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Hunter Valley Grammar School’s Strategic Plan, Future Directions 2023 – 2028, articulates our strategic priorities and our envisioned future for our students and community.

Future Directions 2023 – 2028 is more than just a strategic plan; it’s a commitment to the growth and success of our entire community. Over a five-year period, we’re building on the strong foundations already in place to ensure our students, families, staff, and broader community not only thrive but also continue to flourish well into the future.

As we look ahead, we’re honoring the legacy of those who came before us, while crafting a forward-thinking vision that’s as dynamic as the educational landscape itself. Staying agile and adaptable is key, and together, we’re poised to navigate whatever challenges and opportunities come our way.

Our Strategic Pillars

Excellence in Holistic Education
Connected and Flourishing Community
Inclusion and Belonging
Human-centred and Sustainable Systems

Excellence in Holistic Education

We’re committed to excellence in every aspect of learning—whether it’s academics, social-emotional development, vocational studies, the arts, sports, or service. We believe that true education goes beyond textbooks, nurturing the whole student and helping them discover their passions.

Our innovative pathways are designed to prepare students for the future while igniting their enthusiasm for learning. We challenge them to think globally, encouraging them to become compassionate citizens who are ready to make a meaningful impact on the world.

Connected and Flourishing Community

We strive to create a community where everybody feels a deep sense of connection to a shared purpose and identity.

We’re dedicated to fostering a culture of genuine collaboration, not just within our School but also with communities near and far. By building these connections, we ensure that every member of the HVGS family is part of something greater, united in our commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

Inclusion and Belonging

At HVGS, we’re dedicated to creating systems and structures that ensure everyone feels is valued and celebrated for their unique identities and experiences. A strong culture of trust and shared ownership is essential for the flourishing of both students and staff, and here, we’re committed to nurturing this environment every single day.

Human-centred and Sustainable Systems

We’re dedicated to developing and maintaining an infrastructure that supports high-quality teaching and learning. Our approach is thoughtfully human-centered, ensuring that it meets the needs of our community while being sustainable for the future.

We understand that true sustainability encompasses environmental stewardship, financial responsibility, and a forward-thinking mindset. Our systems are designed to support the wellbeing of our community and align with the core values and culture of HVGS.

Strategic Direction

Read our Strategic Plan

Read our Strategic Plan online and find out more about where we are headed over the next five years.

Strategic Direction

Strategic Updates

Read our 2023 Community Report and find out more about what we have been working on.

Our Envisioned Future  

In 2028 Hunter Valley Grammar School will be known as the school of choice where students achieve excellence because they feel safe, secure and a strong sense of belonging within the community. Students will have the competencies that enable them to be agents of change, and diverse pathways to excellence from which to choose. At HVGS students will thrive because staff are flourishing in a school that is human-centred and sustainable by design. HVGS students will be known as outwardly focused global citizens who are actively engaged in their local community and prepared for the challenges and opportunities the future holds.