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Hunter Valley Grammar School Limited is a non-profit company committed to best-practice governance principles. 

Governance of Hunter Valley Grammar School is delegated to a School Board currently made up of seven volunteer members who each bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to the role. The Board is responsible for providing strategic direction to the School and setting priorities for long-term success.

On this page you will information about our Board, policies and our commitment to child safety.


Ms Michelle McPherson

Michelle was appointed to the Board in 2012 and was Treasurer from 2014 until becoming Chairperson in May 2024. Michelle is the former Chief Financial Officer of IAG (April 2020 to December 2023) and former Chief Financial Officer and Deputy CEO of NIB (March 2003 to March 2020). Michelle is a member of the Council of the University of Newcastle and is a past parent of the school, with both of her children being Endeavour students of HVGS. 

Deputy Chairperson

Dr Kenneth Dobler

Dr Kenneth Dobler was appointed to the Board in 2006. He has been serving as Deputy Chairperson since 2007. Dr Dobler is a general practitioner at Maitland Road Surgery in Cessnock. Ken is a past parent.
Treasurer and Chair of Finance Committee

Mr Mark Williams

Mark joined the Board in 2023 and is the Chief Executive Officer of The Mutual Bank. Prior to this role, Mark worked for two of the largest customer-owned banks in Australia in a variety of Executive positions within these organisations, including Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer and Acting Chief Executive Officer.
Secretary and Chair of the Risk and Compliance Committee

Ms Jodi Stapleton

Jodi was appointed to our Board in 2019. She is the Chief Information and Technology Officer at IBA and has over 20 years’ experience in financial services and information technology in Canada and Australia. She is the Chairperson for the HVGS Risk and Compliance Committee.
Director and Chair of Asset Management Committee

Mrs Gillian Geraghty

Gillian currently holds a senior executive role within NSW Government and a number of Director roles in the Hunter region. Gillian has qualifications in civil engineering and project management and has over 25 years’ experience in property and delivering infrastructure, and eight years as a qualified board director. Gillian is a past parent of the School.
Director and member of the Risk and Compliance Committee

Mrs Kristine Littlewood

Kristine has a long history with HVGS. She was one of the original investors and has been involved since foundation. Kristine was appointed to the Hunter Valley Grammar School Board in 2000 and elected Chairperson in 2005. She is a lawyer with Hallam & Littlewood Lawyers and a past parent and current grandparent of the School.
Director and member of the Asset Management Committee

Mr Owen Logan

Owen is a Hunter Valley Grammar School Alumni, graduating Year 12 in 2012. He went on to obtain a double degree in Mechanical Engineering (with Honours) and Economics. Owen is the Origination Manager of Iberdrola Australia, which is part of the Iberdrola International Group, the worlds largest producer of wind energy.

Cain Beckett

Cain is a current parent at HVGS.  He studied a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce at UNSW. Cain began his career in the Sydney office of Allens Linklaters, practising as a Mergers & Acquisitions lawyer and a Banking & Finance lawyer and also has experience as in-house legal counsel.  Later returning to his native Hunter Valley, Cain is now the Managing Partner of Jurds Real Estate in Wine Country.


Policies Related to Enrolment
Policies Related to Student Welfare and Wellbeing
Policies related to Complaint Management
Other Policies

Policies Related to Enrolment

  • HVGS Enrolment Policy and Procedures
  • HVGS Scholarship Policy

Policies Related to Student Welfare and Wellbeing

  • Child Safe Policy 
  • Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy
  • Student Welfare and Wellbeing Policy 
  • HVGS Behaviour Management Discipline Policy

Policies related to Complaint Management

  • Complaint Management Policy 
  • Whistle Blower Policy
  • Procedures for Handling Allegations of Staff Misconduct and Reportable Conduct

Other Policies

  • Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Child Safety

All children and young people who come to Hunter Valley Grammar School have a right to feel and be safe. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We are committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where children and young people are safe and feel safe and are able to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.

We have a zero tolerance for child abuse and other harm and are committed to acting in students’ best interests and keeping them safe from harm.

The School regards its child safety responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintaining a child safe culture.

Each member of the School community has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role that they play individually, and collectively, to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all students is at the forefront of all that they do, and every decision that they make.